V: vertex(plural vertices)

E: edges, unordered pairs of vertices

directed graph/digraph: A graph whose edges have direction.

multigraph: A graph whose set E allow repeated elements, technically we do that by replacing E with a mulitiset. Definition of multiset

pseudograph: A graph whose edge can connect a vertice to itself(This connection is called a loop).

hypergraph: A graph whose edge can include arbitary vertices(from 1 to inf.).

infinitegraph: A graph whose E and V is infinite set.

loop: A edge that connect a vertice to itself.

order: The total vertice number of a graph.

size: The total edge number of a graph.

neighborhood/open neighborhood: All the vertices who has a edge connected to the specified vertice.
Denoted as N(v) = {x ∈ V | vx ∈ E}, v can be a single vertice or a set of vertices.

closed neighborhood: A vertice's open neighborhood plus itself.
Denoted as N[v] = {v} ∪ N(v), v can be a single vertice or a set of vertices.

degree: The number of edges incident(have relationship) with a vertice, denoted as deg(v).
The maximum degree of a graph G is Δ(G) = max{deg(v) | v ∈ V(G)}
The minimum degree of a graph G is δ(G) = min(deg(v) | v ∈ V(G)}

degree sequence: An n-item sequence lists the degrees of all vertices in graph, often with descending order.

walk: A sequence of vertices(not necessarily distinct) in which each adjacent vertices has an edge from the previous vertice to next vertice.
Has a edege between two vertices is not a sufficient condition here, because we need to consider edges with directions.

path: A walk with distinct vertices.

trail: A walk with distinct edges.
Every path is a trail, but not every trail is a path. Considering oriented edges case such as: a -> b -> a

cycle/closed path: A path v1, ..., vk(k >= 3) plus the edge vk-v1.
In another word, a cycle is a path with an extra edge which connects path's end vertice with the path's start vertice.

circuit/closed trail: A trail that starts and ends at the same vertice.

length of walk/path/trail/cycle/circuit The edge numbers of that walk, counting repeatitions.

vertex deletion: G - v denotes a new graph by removing vertice v and all edges incidents with v from G.
If S is a set of vertices, G - S denotes the new graph by removing each vertex of S from G and all releated edges.

edge deletion: G - e denotes a new graph by removing edge e(keep the vertice) from G.

connected graph: Every vertice of the graph can be joined by a path.

connected component/component: A maximal connected piece in a graph, a graph could have 1 or more connected component.

cut vertex: If the deletion of a vertex causes the number of component of graph to increase, we call this vertex a cut vertex

cut set: For a vertices set S, if G - S is disconnected, we call this set S a cut set.

bridge: If the deletion of an edge causes graph components number increased, we call this edge a bridge.

complete graph: Every vertex is adjacent to every other vertex in the graph.
Complete graph does not have any cut sets, because you can make it disconnected by remove vertices.
Every non-complete graph has at least 1 cut set.

connectivity: For non-complete graph G, the minimum size of its cut set is called its connectivity, denoted as k(G).
For a complete graph, its k(G) is n - 1, where n is its order.
If G is disconnected, its connectivity is 0, since G - {} is disconnected.
If G is connected, 1 <= k(G) <= n-2.
For a positive interger X, if k(G) >= X, we say graph G is X-connected, which reflects a graph's connection strength.
1-connecetd simply means a graph is connected.

empty graph: A graph with no edges.

complements: Give a graph G, its complement is a graph with same vertices, but whose edges are all the edges that G doesn't have.

regular graph: A graph whose all vertices have the same degree. G is said to be regular of degree r if all([deg(v) == r for v in G])

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